

The academic program at St. Mary's is thoughtfully integrated both vertically, from Fifth Grade through Senior year, and horizontally, at each grade level.
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These three statements guide our work:

List of 3 items.

  • At St. Mary's, we are...

    • DEDICATED SCHOLARS who are college-bound, with the skills and knowledge to ask compelling questions and seek multiple perspectives.

    • CREATIVE THINKERS whose inherent curiosity ignites a passion for new ideas and empowers us to embrace challenges.

    • RESPONSIBLE COMMUNITY MEMBERS who serve others and contribute to the betterment of the school and the world beyond. 

    • GLOBAL CITIZENS who demonstrate empathy and integrity, guided by a sound moral compass.

    • JOYFUL SPIRITS who make time for school, family, friends, personal interests, and spiritual grow
  • Our Philosophy

    St. Mary’s School teaches students to lead purposeful lives in service to others and is devoted to the pursuit of excellence in character and scholarship. A nurturing, internationally diverse community that encourages students and adults to respect and learn from one another, St. Mary’s School is dedicated to the development of global leaders through academic rigor and civic participation. Grounded in the Catholic intellectual tradition, St. Mary’s School values all persons and encourages students to seek truth and meaning in their lives while integrating what they learn with how they live.
  • Statement of Professional Excellence

    St. Mary's teachers inspire students to achieve their full potential in thought, word, and deed. Creative and compassionate, they provide a supportive community that values excellence, integrity, and diversity. Our teachers share a visible enthusiasm for professionalism, innovation, and scholarship.

List of 3 items.

  • Clubs and Activities

    There is a club for anyone and everyone at St. Mary's School!

    St. Mary’s offers a variety of clubs and activities each mod. These clubs and activities exist to augment the students’ experiences at St. Mary’s and allow students to pursue other interests not offered in the curriculum. Each club is assigned a faculty moderator. Clubs are offered at no credit and club offerings change each mod based on student interest. If students are interested in starting a club, they should contact the Club Supervisor for their respective grade. Here's a list of popular clubs at St. Mary's.

    Robotics, Astronomy Club, Student Council, Math Team, Mock Trial, Outdoor Club, Model UN, Brainbowl, JV Brainbowl, History Bee, Geography Bee, Scavenger Hunt, INTERact, Community Service Committee, Global Village, Speech and Debate, Orchestra, Choir, Yearbook, Astronomy, Acoustic Jam, Art Club, Campus Ministry, Card Games, Chess Club, Chinese Movies, Fantasy Football, Foreign Films, Improv/Theater Games, Intramural Sports, Just Read, Lawyering 101, Meditation, Pep Band, Science Journal, Scratch Programming, Sign Language, Soccer Fan Club, Succulents and Cacti, Talking Tolkien, Try New Foods, Walk the Track, and Yoga.
  • Fine Arts

    The Fine Arts department strives to awaken in each student the creative joy of making art and to help them develop an appreciation for aesthetics and artistic expression. We offer classes in 2-D and 3-D studio art, choir, orchestra, and band. All Middle School students take courses in music (choir, band, orchestra, or general music) and art. Upper School students are required to take a year of Fine Arts.

    The visual art program begins in the Middle School with introductions to design, color, form, line, and texture in various media. In the Upper School, students focus on broadening their technical skills and developing their personal artistic voices through portfolio development.

    Most Middle School students take at least one semester of choir, where they learn the fundamentals of choral singing and performance. Upper School students can participate in Upper School Choir, Liturgical Ensemble, and Chamber Choir.

    The St. Mary's instrumental music program begins in the Middle School with introductory-level and intermediate band and strings. Upper School ensembles include Jazz Band and Orchestra.
  • Technology

    Bring Your Own Device

    Students at St. Mary’s are required to bring a laptop computer to school each day, and they can expect to use their computers regularly and in multiple classes. 

    The minimum device capabilities for BYOD are simple:
    • Laptop computer (not a tablet)
    • Must be able to run all features of the Google Chrome web browser
    • Battery life of at least 4 hours
    A Chromebook is the minimum device requirement (and also our recommended device). They are available new for under $200 and are widely available online and at retailers like Staples, Best Buy, and Walmart.