Our Curriculum

Mod System Do's and Dont's

Welcome to the St. Mary’s Mod system! We’re incredibly excited about our student-centered curriculum and calendar. We’d like to a share a few tips, the do’s and don’ts, so to speak, that will help you better understand our Mod system and maximize your student’s experience at St. Mary’s.
  • Pay attention to the school calendar to see when inter-module breaks take place. St. Mary’s is calendared out for the next three years.
  • Make sure you meet with a St. Mary’s representative to plan out your class schedule. 
  • Use the inter-module breaks to take family trips. Most inter-mod breaks are four or five days in length and the usual two weeks for Christmas and Spring breaks are still in place.
  • Choose challenging classes and embrace the opportunity to take classes outside of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself!
  • Recognize how many class choices you have.
  • Complete a schedule ahead of your schedule meetings with Ms. Klecan, Mr. Bernard, or Mr. Meyer. 
  • Do consider your sports/extracurricular schedule when filling out your seven mod class schedule.
  • Do embrace the awesome opportunity that our Mod system represents!
  • Take a vacation during the course of a mod. There is plenty of time during intermod breaks and during summer and spring breaks for family vacations. Missing school for a trip during school will jeopardize a student’s chance of earning credit from graduation.