Project WILD

St. Mary’s Project WILD strives to care for and cultivate our students’ personal development through nature-based learning, environmental stewardship, and leadership education. 
St. Mary’s School is situated in a truly remarkable natural environment. Surrounded by the Cascade Range and Siskiyou Mountains, we are a stone’s throw from the Rogue and Klamath Rivers. Opportunities abound for engagement with nature and adventure. Beyond the obvious scenic splendor and abundant access to exciting outdoor activities, our setting in Southern Oregon provides students with the possibility to nurture their sense of place, connect with and serve the community, and grow their whole person.

Project WILD is rooted in three pillars:
    • Project WILD_pillars

The Curriculum

Project wild is about more than just playing in the dirt. Check out our curriculum by grade level below.

List of 2 items.

  • Middle School

    Every school year, each middle school student will have one mod that features a daily outdoor education class. Their outdoor education classes will provide a scaffolded learning progression, where they will continually build upon the concepts and skills they developed in the previous year. Outdoor education curriculum in the middle school will combine Leave-No-Trace outdoor ethics, campcraft and outdoor living skills, team building and leadership activities, and environmental science activities. Through their participation in Project WILD’s outdoor education classes, students will cultivate a sense of place, engender an outdoor ethic, foster a learning environment of fun and play, nurture their emotional intelligence, and develop leadership and teamwork competencies.
  • High School

    Students in the high school will have the opportunity to participate in several different elective courses offered through Project WILD. These courses encourage students to explore more deeply into much of the outdoor education curriculum. Below are the current courses offered in the high school. More courses will be offered in future years, as Project WILD grows.
    Outdoor Living Skills
    Do you want to learn the skills you need to go camping or exploring the natural world? Whether you have never camped before or you have been camping since you were born, this course will help you develop your skills outdoors. This class will focus on helping students develop their aptitudes building shelters, navigating, tying useful knots, practicing Leave No Trace practices, and many other essential outdoor living skills.

    Backcountry Nutrition & Cooking
    This class will invite you to take a deep dive into all the aspects of backcountry cooking and nutrition. You will develop proficiency with common camping cooking equipment and how to keep it operating well. You will also learn the technical skills of pre-trip food preparation and cooking outdoors. Fundamental nutrition knowledge will be applied to plan delicious and nutritious meal plans for your own camping trips.

    Outdoor Adventure & Expedition Leadership
    Do you want to adventure in some of the most remarkable wild places in the Pacific Northwest? What are the key ingredients to rewarding and successful outdoor adventures? This class dives into building emotional intelligence and expedition behavior to help you develop your leadership and teamwork skills. Through the process of expedition planning, this class will help you learn more about yourself, your leadership style, and your personality traits. Together with your classmates, you will participate in personality assessments, planning sessions, and team-building initiatives to help prepare for an overnight camping adventure in Southern Oregon. 

    *Class requirement note: All students enrolled in this course will be required to join in a weekend camping trip during the second half of the mod. 

This Year's Expeditions

Project WILD’s expeditions and trips focus on getting our students immersed in the remarkable places in and around Southern Oregon. St. Mary’s students will learn activity specific technical skills while exploring nature and connecting with classmates.

List of 7 items.

  • Rogue River Paddling

    August 30 - September 1

    Labor Day Rogue River Paddling Trip: Join Project WILD on the first camping trip of the season. You'll get to paddle through rapids, hang out on scenic beaches, cook and eat delicious meals, and camp out on the banks of the Wild and Scenic Rogue River.
    Registration Opens - First day of school
    Trip Cost - $75
    Max Participation - 15 students

    Full trip details

  • Cascade Siskiyou Nat'l Monument Camping

    Camping Trip in Cascade Siskiyou National Monument: Come out for a beautiful weekend in the remarkable mountains and forests of Cascade Siskiyou National Monument. We'll hike along lovely creeks, explore the forests, cook gourmet meals, and camp under the stars.
    Registration Opens - 9/15
    Trip Cost - $45
    Max Participation - 12 students

    Full Trip Details

  • Lava Beds Nat'l Monument Caving

    November 16

    Explore the fascinating cave systems of the lava beds on Project WILD's annual caving trip. Middle school and high school students are invited to join for a day of subterranean exploration followed by a pizza feast.
    Registration Opens - 10/2
    Trip Cost - $50
    Max Participation - 40 students

    Full Trip Details

    Registration Form
  • Skiing & Snowboarding Nights

    Winter 2025

    St. Mary's School has partnered with the local ski area for decades to send kids up to the slopes. The Mt. Ashland Youth Ski Program offers students skiing and snowboarding instruction. This opportunity is available to 5-12 graders. Transportation and rentals are included.
    Registration Opens - December 6 - 20 
    Cost - $91 - $172
    Max Participants - Unlimited

    Details and Registration Form
  • Cascades Winter Camping

    March 1st & 2nd

    Ever wanted to learn how to build snow shelters or sit by a warm fire in a cabin at the foot of a cascade volcano? Project WILD is taking a small group of students to the winter cabin near Mt. Bailey, to learn how to thrive in our beautiful, snowy Cascade mountains.
    Registration OPEN NOW
    Cost - $85
    Max Participation - 9 students
    Register here
  • Whitewater Multiday Rafting

    May 16-18

    Go on an adventure and see why Southern Oregon is world famous for its wild and scenic rivers. Be a part of our May river expedition, where you'll get to raft and camp for three days and two nights with expert river guides.
    Registration Open
    Cost - $850
    Trip Details
    Max Participation - 18 students
  • Camping & Paddling at Shasta Lake

    May 30-June 1

    Explore the hidden gems and gorgeous vistas of Shasta Lake to start enjoying your summer early. Project WILD is taking students out to camp and canoe in the natural playground of Shasta Lake.
    Registration Opens - 5/1
    Cost - $95
    Max Participation - 12 students
    • 2024-2025 Expeditions