Mod Abroad

Opening our students to the world around them is a crucial element of the St. Mary's curriculum, and the Mod Abroad class plays an important role in helping students understand our world.

St. Mary's faculty are currently developing the curriculum for each of these trips and we hope students can take advantage of the unique opportunities the Mod Abroad class offers.

*Mod Abroad is available to high schoolers. Additional fees are required for international travel. 
For the 2024-2025 school year, St. Mary's is offering Mod Abroad: Japan.
Yokosa! Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Welcome to Japan! There is no more fascinating and paradoxical country to visit than Japan. The mix of ultramodern and traditional are apparent everywhere you visit, from the visual feast of Tokyo and the hustle and bustle it embodies to the peaceful shrines and gardens of Kyoto and the ancient traditions and culture it represents.

Jim Meyer, who lived and worked in Japan for several years will lead the Mod Abroad classes and ten-day trip to Japan. Students have a packed itinerary and will be able to see a good chunk of the country by traveling from Tokyo to Hiroshima on the bullet train and visiting a variety of cities, castles, and ancient sights along the way. And they'll get to eat some delicious food including sushi, sashimi, okinomiyaki, udon, ramen, yakitori, and many other Japanese delicacies. It's going to be an incredible trip!
While the dates and years have yet to be determined, St. Mary's looks forward to offering the following Mod Abroad destinations:

List of 5 items.

  • Mod Abroad: Iceland

     More information coming soon.
  • Mod Abroad: Greece

      More information coming soon.
  • Mod Abroad: Spain & Portugal

    Christian, Jewish, and Muslim art and architecture, literature, religion, philosophy, history, and culture will intertwine as we spend the entire module learning about Spain. While the topics covered will be varied and wide-ranging, the central focus will be on “La Convivencia,” the period in Spanish history when the “peoples of the book” lived together in productive harmony under both Christian and Muslim rulers. The course will begin in the St. Mary’s classroom, but finish with 11 days in Spain where we will visit Madrid, Tolled, Granada, Cordoba, Ronda, and Seville. The travel component is required for credit and includes an additional fee.
  • Mod Abroad: Tallinn, Riga Stockholm

     More information coming soon.
  • Mod Abroad: Cities of Indochina

    Three countries, two religions, political and economic systems, and more will all come to light as we spend the entire module learning about Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand in preparation for a trip to all three. Given the expansive nature of the trip, the class will be dedicated to an equally broad range of topics. Two particular areas of focus will be on the major religions of the region (Buddhism and Hinduism) and the roles of communism and capitalism in the contemporary era. The travel component is required for credit and includes an additional fee. Students will earn a social studies credit, an English credit, and a general elective credit for this three-bin course.