Mt. Ashland/St. Mary’s School Youth Program: Middle School Registration open!

Attention Middle School Skiers and Snowboarders!!  Registration/Information packets for the Mt. Ashland School Middle School Youth Program are now available in the St. Mary’s front office.  Participants in this popular program spend four Friday evenings in Mod 5 at the Mt. Ashland Snowpark, enjoying some of the best downhill skiing and snowboard riding our local region has to offer.  Lift passes, bus transportation, hour-long lessons with the Mt. Ashland Ski/Snowboard School, and discounted equipment rental rates are all part of the package.

The dates for the program are February 9, 16, 23, and March 1.  On each Friday afternoon, middle school skiers and snowboarders leave from the St. Mary's parking lot after school, returning at 10:15 p.m.  For the convenience of our Ashland residents, a bus will make a brief stop in the Bi-Mart parking lot (behind the Taco Bell) at 9:45 pm on our way back down from the mountain.  Important note:  the first date (Feb 9) falls during one of St. Mary’s mod breaks!  On that night only, the bus will also make a stop in Ashland at 5 pm to pick up students bound for the mountain.

Mt. Ashland’s online registration portal for the program is open from Thursday, January 18 through Thursday, February 1.  To initiate the registration process, simply go to during the registration time window and select the St. Mary’s Middle School tab.  